10 books on my to-read list 2016

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From reading favorite genres like romance, and thrillers to discovering new favorites like historic fiction and poetry, 2015 was a good year when it comes to books. Closing the year with the launch of MERAKI POST, and bringing in 2016 with the hope of reading more fun books, I intend to cover a larger variety of books this year.

Trying to maintain a mix of various genres some of the books that I would like to read in 2016 are:

Go set a watchman by Harper Lee

go set

The only other book by Harper Lee of the To kill a mockingbird fame, this one was released in 2015 many years after her first book.Go set a watchman was on my shelf as soon as it made an appearance in the Indian market.

Apparently written before her first released novel, Go set a watchman features 26-year-old Scout, and her aging father Atticus. Set amidst the political and civil rights tension I couldn’t help but want to read this, after being floored by her writing style and simple and yet moving story telling skills.

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden


This debut novel by Arthur Golden is considered one of his best works.Set in Japan, this novel claims to take one into the world of a Geisha.

Supposedly romantic, erotic and at the same time emotional gripping, an emotional drama that Memoirs of a Geisha claims to be, has me intrigued. The plot-line which was also adopted into a movie and the praise that this book has received has me wanting to read it this year around .

The lowlands by Jhumpa Lahiri

Final Lowland cover.indd

Slowly thawing to Indian authors, I picked The lowlands by Lahiri, as she is considered to be one of the finest modern Indian authors.

Set in America and India, this novel is supposed to be the story of two inseparable brothers who choose to walk on completely different paths and how love and idealism, unites and divides them.

Known for her unmatched storytelling skills, I hope to not be disappointed by this one.

I know why the caged birds sing by Maya Angelou


Having lost this American author , poet and civil rights activist in the last year . I was touched and inspired by a few quotes and excerpts I read of hers, and since then I know why the caged birds sing has been on my list.

This book documents Maya’s and her brothers move to a small Southern town , her life there and her bitter experiences when she moves back with her mother. It supposedly also documents her adult life, where she makes peace with her past and starts falling in love with herself and her life. Being at the crux of life, this book calls to me as it seems relatable to a lot of emotions people in my age group are prone to feel.

The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde


This book now considered a classic and one of Wilde’s best work has me reaching for it in the coming days.

story of a young man who sells his soul for external youth and beauty. This story – a topic that raised scandal in 1890 and attacked for its ‘corrupting influence’ is now a must read by many standards.

With much hype around it, and for it being categorized as a classic The picture of Dorian Gray is another one that I intend to read in 2016.

Grey by E.L James


Considered the fourth book in the 50 shades of Grey franchise , this might not qualify as a to-read in most lists . However , for someone who was drawn to the protagonist in the previous books and having a raised curiosity about the mystically dark side of his life , Grey makes it to the list due to it being the male protagonists’ perspective.

Expecting an insight into his life, thoughts and emotions of a dominant I hope to not be disappointed by it being just a romantic saga from a mere male perspective.

Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski


Considered as one of his best work Ham on Rye is a must read in 2016 , partly because of the fact that it is the first book featuring Bukowski’s alter ego Henry Chinaski , and I am very keen on reading the other books featuring him as the protagonist.

Documenting the early life of Chinaski, this book supposedly talks about childhood , adolescence and his youth. Adoring Bukowski’s witty yet gripping writing style,I look forward to starting my tryst with Henry Chinaski in 2016.

Lady Chatterley’s lover by D H Lawrence


This book now considered a romantic/erotic classic was banned until 1960, considering it to be pornography.

The portrayal of the extramarital affair of Lady Chatterley with the game keeper , this classic is supposedly explicit in description yet projecting the emotional turmoil the characters go through due to difference in class , lack of love and other issues that still haunt our society till date.

Another classic, this one too shrouded with scandal is my doze of romance for the year 2016.Lady Chatterley’s lover is not the cheesy perfect fairy tale kind of love , but a rather realistic portrayal of the same , a reason for it to make it to the TRL of this year.

Along came the spider by James Patterson


This list would not be complete without a James Patterson on it.

Being an ardent James fan , Along came the spider is my pick from among Patterson’s work as it is the first book in which the very famous and celebrated character- Alex Cross makes an appearance.

A murder , a missing person and the sharp, smart and loved Cross chasing the bad guys make for the perfect James Patterson book for me.

A Game of Thrones by George R. R Martin


After comfortably settling behind all the other purchases the paper backs of all the books , printed so far in this series rest on my shelf untouched.

Made into one of the most loved and watched television show going by the same name , A Game of Thrones has been on my reading list for a while now. However, due to its sheer size and the fact that it is still not complete gave me enough reasons to not read it in the last year.

But as the show takes one complete year to release a new season , I think 2016 seems to be a good time when I finally get into a committed relationship with this magnanimous historic fiction.

Gazala Amreen

Logophile, bibliophile, writer, designer, high on wanderlust and all things pretty.

Bangalore, KA merakipost.com