‘The trouble with women’ is one of those books which lightens feminism as a concept and helps understand the significance and need of it even today. I requested the book after watching a couple of videos on YouTube, all of them heartily praising the book. This is one of the most fun books I have read on feminism yet (not too many, but still!).
Cover page
The cover page contains an illustration of a woman in a bubble looking out frantically. This is a reference to the text inside, which can only be understood once the book is read. The cover page is simple and cute. It also segregates the book by its genre. It is a picture book and thus depicted on the cover. It is a very thoughtful yet simple cover.
The chief character featuring in the book is woman. Women from different time periods adorn this book. They come in different forms, brain sizes and clothing. Some are lazily doing crochet while the others are making fools of themselves on bicycles. The author has done a brilliant work in describing women in the book both using wit and sarcasm.
There was one time in the world where there were no women. There were only men. And few of them were geniuses. Therefore we only hear of men. The book is filled with such quirky lines and equally funny illustrations that go with the text. It also talks about the function of bloomers, hobbies of the ladies and their brain size in general. Women were just dainty living things who never could take any stress. There are also a few mentions of some doing great things like shooting and running a county. But sadly they were not good enough to go to Olympics. These comments raise questions and laugh at the stupidity of the society. They are funny enough to make you laugh and give out great message on feminism too.
The book is full of quirky, funny, witty comments and observations. They are simple and fun to read.A light and hearty read.
Good points
The cover page is beautiful. Women are described well using myths and sarcasm. They are lovely to read about. The content is funny. It will keep the smile on your face always.
Bad points
The length. I wish the book was longer. But I am going to read and reread it.
Overall, it is a funny light read on feminism. Definitely worth checking out.
Whole do I recommend this to
This book is for all those who like feminism as a concept but hate reading lengthy prose about the same. Those who look for funny reads on serious topics are going to enjoy it too.
Quotable quotes
In olden days there were no women which is why you don’t come across them in history lessons at school. There were men and quite a few of them were geniuses.
Very occasionally a woman would go and learn a foreign language, go abroad to study, and come back qualified as a doctor, but that didn’t prove anything except that women cause trouble as soon as you allow them out.
There were many ways of becoming fallen, including having a side part, having your own mind, speaking out loud instead of just thinking it, and not remaining a virgin after giving birth. Only women could fall.
Once girls had learned sixty different embroidery stitches there was no more room to learn anything else.
I received this book from the publishers for review. The opinions are entirely my own, completely uninfluenced.