Bookhaul - September 2016

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Yes, we are well into October, am late in posting this one! Better late than never right!? Considering the growing piles of unread books in my room, I really need to stop buying books (No, am just joking!). So , here is my very loved September haul!

Firstly, I decided to try and buy books around the theme for The Biblio Box, as it helps me organize my book buying. This time around the theme was Classics, and so I decided to buy Vinegar Girl, which is a retelling of one of Shakespeare’s books. Apart from this, I bought the entire series of books that feature Anne, of Anne of Green Gables. This set of books by Puffin is simply adorable and was on my list for a very long time!

The month of September also brought to me some lovely used books from UK, sent by a very dear friend. Harvesting the heart, Rebecca, An impossible Marriage were some among them.

The biblio box had Elligible (I already had one of the books they had in the box, hence I replaced it with this), Hemingway in Love and I upgraded it with The Great Gatsby- another book that I’ve been wanting for a while now!

Apart from these, I received some interesting titles like Dark Matter, Rau etc for review from the Publisher, which have been getting amazing reviews from the readers. I also received two books from the authors themselves. One being, The Memory of Lost Dreams which is a dystopian novel and the other is The Morning tree- a retelling of a fairytale. Lastly, I finally WON A GIVEAWAY! (do the capital letters show my excitement enough!?) hosted by a friend and fellow blogger, I won the giveaway he hosted and got Shattered Dreams, and All yours, stranger.

Overall, September has left my room with a little hurricane of books that I am only too glad to clean up.

Gazala Amreen

Logophile, bibliophile, writer, designer, high on wanderlust and all things pretty.

Bangalore, KA