Five Reading Resolutions for 2017

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Since my to-read list is never realised I have made another list of ambitions. It is slightly ( a lot ) different from the regular TBR lists. I have made a list of reading resolutions that I aspire to follow this year.

Read a classic a month: Yeah, that!

Read more regional authors this year: Ghachar Ghochar turned out to be good. Didn’t it? Discover more regional writing.

Read more nonfiction: Remember you enjoy nonfiction. They are not boring. They just require more patience and concentration.

DNF books that you don’t like: Seriously, there is nothing wrong in not completing the books that you do not like. DNF it. It will save you time to read the books that you actually like.

Limit buying new books: Really look at your shelf and Kindle library before you jump ahead and buy new books!

Veena Choudhary

An avid reader and history fanatic.

Mumbai, MH