I have read two of Dan Brown’s books and loved them both. ‘The Da Vinci Code’ came into my life because of my sister. She wanted me to read the book and narrate it to her. I tried the narration part but I don’t think I did it any justice. Second book was ‘The Lost Symbol’ which was a gift from a friend. I found it intimidating just for its size but when I got to it I glided through the book. I do have a copy of ‘Angels and Demons’ and ‘Inferno’ on my shelf but I haven’t got around to reading it.
I am not very much into thrillers. Definitely not as much as Gazala is. But I did want to keep up with Dan Brown. I see a lot of excitement around the book. So I have decided to read the first few pages of the book and tell you what you can expect from the book.
Origin, as the word suggests, deals with the beginning of time. It deals with all the religions. ‘Historically, the most dangerous men on earth were men of God… especially when their Gods became threatened’. Our man, Edmon Kirsch who is a graduate at Harvard University has taken up the job of shattering the world of the believers. He reaches a monastery in Catalonia, Spain tucked away at the cliff. Gravity is working its way but the cliff stands tall. Dan Brown’s classic description of the monastery is going to be a treat for those who like travel and architecture. Kirsch is in the monastery to meet three men of Gods and reveal to them a secret that only he knows. He cannot help but compare himself to Moses who climbed the mountain to accept the word of God and our man here is climbing the mountain to do exactly the opposite.
When Kirsch meets the men, “unpleasantries” are exchanged. Little jabs here and there are overlooked and the men get to business.
Dan Brown builds the mystery behind the revelation with his narration which only he can do.
“An intriguing preamble, Mr Kirsch. Your speak as if whatever you are about to show us will shake the foundations of the world’s religions.”
Kirsch glanced around the ancient repository of sacred texts. It will not shake your foundations. It will shatter them.
Brown ends the prologue with
When he did, people across the world would realize that the teachings of all religions did indeed have one thing in common.
They were all wrong.
Then begins the first chapter where we meet our Robert Langdon again! He is dishevelled as he has packed his bags in hurry, again. He is at Bilbao Museum in Spain after finding a note from a friend and former student, again!
The first chapter is predictable. Dan Brown seems to be following a format. Needless to say, this is just how the story begins. There is definitely a promise of a lot more. The conflict between science and all the Gods has to be well played for me to keep my interest in the book. As usual the religion part is going to infuriate fanatics and Brown will have to keep a distance for his own sake. As I am not much into thrillers, I do not think I will give this book more than one read. I think I will purchase a Kindle copy.
Are you planning to pre-order your copy? Use the following link!
Update: We now have the review of Origin out!
Go ahead, grab yourself a copy of Origin by Dan Brown: A Glimpse and tell us what you think about the book! If you are a Kindle person, ensure to select the Kindle edition of the book.
Origin by Dan Brown: A Glimpse
Looking to buy a Kindle?
The frontlit, high-resolution Kindle Paperwhite seems to be the officially preferred Kindle at Meraki Post; Veena, Gazala and Ram have one each. And while Pooja may claim she is more of the “Love the new book smell” kind of person, she may be secretly deciding between the premium Kindle Oasis and the simple and efficient Good Ol’ Kindle.
Kindle Kindle Paperwhite Kindle Oasis
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