We have all heard this story while growing up. How a boastful hare is defeated in race by a slow but determined tortoise. So, I am not going to talk much about the story here.
What I am going to talk about, though, is the relevance of short stories in my life. My grandfather was an English language scholar of his time. He is not formally educated in English. He self-learnt it. His days went by teaching us grammar rules from Wren and Martin and telling us a number of short stories.
We all have spent our childhood listening to stories from our grandparents. Mine was no different. My father further encouraged reading to improve my language (until I started reading Sidney Sheldon and Jeffery Archer!).
Hare and tortoise used be one of the stories I loved to hear over and over again. This particular book has refreshed those beautiful childhood memories. Thanks to the man of the house and his much delayed, but finally arrived birthday gift! We bookworms have only books on our wish list for all our special occasions, don’t we?
Reading one short story each day has been an overwhelming journey. We all keep reading the entire life without understanding the essence of reading. I read because I want to be wiser and more empathetic than I was yesterday.
Why do you read?
Join us as we discover ourselves through reading. Read one story with us each day!
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