This is a cute story of Blackthorn. When once Blackthorn was young and the gifts were being distributed he got really late to the party. The gates were closed and he couldn’t get anything. He was okay though since all the other trees looks just like him. They all had stumps and branches.
On the day that the gifts were handed out they Blackthorn was late. By the time it got there,, the gate was shut and a sign had been put up saying ‘Creation complete’.
Soon when spring came Blackthorn realised what a mistake it was. The other trees started flowering. So that was the gift. Blackthorn remain the only tree with thorns. Mothers stopped children and dogs from getting near it. It also receives jibes from other trees. It was cruel.
It wanted only one thing: to hold this girl’s gaze, to spark her interest, her love, her joy- to make her come back, again and again. Something that wouldn’t tear at her tender skin, or dry out her tongue. Something from before the time when the gate had been closed, from when the Blackthorn was young and new and existed simply of greenness and a hunger for water and light.
So the hunger for water grew and the Blackthorn started storing water inside its body. Soon it swelled up and see a sudden shower of white flowers. Blackthorn was so joyful. Soon the mothers forgot the thorns and let the kids play with the white flowers on the Blackthorn.
It is cute. It’s it? From the collection ‘Why Willows Weep’ edited by Tracy Chevalier.