Running Like a Girl

by Alexandra Heminsley

Remember the start of the New Year when you download a number of health and fitness apps on your phone? When you go for sportswear binge shopping? And when you count your calories for an initial few days before your forget about any new resolution you made as you slip into the second month of the year? I am not new to the experience. It happens every year since the last, if I can remember... continue reading→

cover: Running Like a Girl

Breaking Point

Usha Mahajan, translated from Hindi by Khushwant Singh

Somehow, this book, Our favourite Indian Stories, seems to have a lot of stories about human relationships. Breaking Point is another such story. The story starts with Neera waiting for Madhukar at a restaurant. Quickly, it gets to the point at which Neera asks Madhukar if he loves her. Madhukar seemed to be this typical man who is scared of commitment; he avoids answering the question and the duo leave the restaurant without even having... continue reading→

Like a Pigeon

Rajendra Awasthi

I grew up reading Bal Bharti in my Hindi class. It used to be full of stories from all over India, written by several Indian Hindi writers. I kind of got the same feel and rememebered my Hindi teacher upon reading this story. This story is about an Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officer, who’s on his way to Allahabad. Sitting in the train, he remembers the days of his childhood, how he used to play... continue reading→

The Hare and the Tortoise


We have all heard this story while growing up. How a boastful hare is defeated in race by a slow but determined tortoise. So, I am not going to talk much about the story here. What I am going to talk about, though, is the relevance of short stories in my life. My grandfather was an English language scholar of his time. He is not formally educated in English. He self-learnt it. His days went... continue reading→

DNF: One Enduring Lesson

by Jamal Merchant

This is my second DNF of the year and I am really embarrassed. I picked up this book the first time back in September, last year. As soon as I started the book I realised the narration was completely displeasing. It was way too descriptive without making any point. Follow A young man who recently broke up with the love of his life decides to come back to India leaving his parents to realise his... continue reading→

cover: DNF: One Enduring Lesson


Japanese fairytales

Fairytales have always been my favourite. Like someone once said, they restore hope in us. They remind us of simple lessons that we may have forgotten. And like CS Lewis said “someday you will be old enough to read fairytales again.” I found a few of these beautiful booklets, if that’s what I can call them. And this is my second attempt at reading these beautiful illustrated copies of stories from different places and times.... continue reading→

cover: Urashima