my Hanuman Chalisa

by Devdutt Patnaik

Jai Hanuman Gyan Gun Sagar. Jai Kapish Tihun lok Ujagar. Hanuman Chalisa was written by Tulsidas almost 500 years ago supposedly while he was imprisoned by Akbar. Written in the language of Gangetic plains called Awadhi, the Chalisa was meant to be accessible to the non-elite crowd who wanted to be closer to the gods. Tulsidas gave us a masterpiece that is recited in every prayer, however, it is seldom understood. Devdutt Patnaik has brought... continue reading→

cover: my Hanuman Chalisa

The Proxy

It’s common for us in India to have a Literature class or a Moral Sciences class, or an Environmental Sciences class replaced by something “more important”, like Mathematics, or Physics. Or Sports, for that matter. And we’ve all been victims of this setup at some point of our school life. The logic behind such a choice is clear: Mathematics and Physics help you find the right college to launch your career from. Of course, our... continue reading→

cover: The Proxy

Hotel Iris

by Yoko Ogawa

Browsing through shelves that seem to go on, my list of “to buy” books lies crumbled at the bottom of my bag. I pick up books that I had no plans to buy, I buy books by Authors I have never heard of, and I buy books that are simply cover buys! This is how book shopping at a store goes. I picked this book from the rows of books first due to its cover,... continue reading→

cover: Hotel Iris

The Sceptical Patriot

by Sidin Vadukut

The first book by Sidin Vadukut that I read was Dork. It was 2010, and I’d just finished college, and had joined an IT firm (the firm that I currently work for; man, I’ve spent a quarter of my life here). I disliked Robin ‘Einstein’ Verghese, the protagonist of the series. But I loved the way Vadukut wrote. The casual descriptions, the humour… I think it was about two years ago that I picked up... continue reading→

cover: The Sceptical Patriot

On India

by Khushwant Singh

I had known Khushwant Singh largely for his work ‘A Train to Pakistan’. This work of essays came as a wonderful surprise to me. Therefore, when the publishers offered to send me the book I grabbed the opportunity immediately. This is my first book by Singh and I am definitely inclined to pick more from him. Follow Cover page On the cover, we see the author himself and the title. There is nothing magical about... continue reading→

cover: On India

Gerald’s Game

on Netflix

I was damn excited for this! Really excited! The trailer had me. And that’s when I decided to read the book before the movie came out. That’s how I practice it. Or at least try to. It was my first ever fiction by Stephen King. I had read a book ‘On Writing’ in which he gives some tips on writing (of course!). He has some particular dos and don’ts. That makes you want to pick... continue reading→

cover: Gerald’s Game