Poison of Love

by K.R. Meera

Hello bookworms, this is Mridula. Someone once told me that short stories can mess up with your head way more than the 600 page novel you waste your time reading. The Poison of Love is one such read. K.R. Meera has touched many hearts with her stories. Translated from Malayalam, each story is known to leave a hole in your heart. Her notable works include The Hangwoman, The Gospel of the Yudas and The Poison... continue reading→

cover: Poison of Love


on Netflix

It was after my recent course about churches in Goa that got me interested in church architecture. I remember gazing at the lantern dome at St Cajetan and thinking of the life during the construction of the beautiful St Peter’s Cathedral at the Vatican. It was during a random browsing session that I came across the name of Medicis, along with those of Michelangelo and Brunelleschi. I remembered coming across the Medici name in Reign, another series... continue reading→

cover: Medici

The Last Di Sione Claims his Prize

by Maisey Yates

There is this thing about guilty pleasure reads. They are addictive! This happened to me around the time I first discovered mills and boon books. I read one and then the other and then another one. I read 18 books, one after the other. I don’t remember at what point I realised that I was addicted to them but I did. It is after 4 years that almost feels like yesterday that I picked up... continue reading→

cover: The Last Di Sione Claims his Prize

Victoria and Abdul

Courtesy: Bloomsbury India

It was a great Diwali week. While I managed to finish Brunelleschi’s Dome it was the first book based completely on architecture that I have read which is not a my study course book. I completely loved the one. Ross has a gift. But let’s go back little. I said it was a great beginning because I received an amazing gift! Bloomsbury India sent five bloggers (including me) tickets to watch Victoria and Abdul in... continue reading→

cover: Victoria and Abdul

Brunelleschi’s Dome

by Ross King

After completing my course on sacred architecture in Goa specialising in churches I developed an unhealthy fascination with the renaissance architecture. The dome of St Cajetan inspired me to learn more about the architecture of Florence and how churches were built during the time there. After watching ‘Medici: Masters of Florence’ my obsession with the dome of Florence cathedral only heightened further. Cosimo de Medici’s fascination with renaissance art is like a communicable disease. Follow On my... continue reading→

cover: Brunelleschi’s Dome

Riding the Tech Tide

My journey with Meraki Post started on the day I met Veena for the first time in a boring cafeteria of Manyata Embassy Business Park (and got judged big time), back in 2015. One of my buddies had referred her to me, when she (Veena) had mentioned about “improving the look-and-feel” of her “book blog”. All this happened at a time when I was not serious about anything in life. And that day, I actually... continue reading→

cover: Riding the Tech Tide