Three Review Copies I’m Excited to Read

Being a consistent blogger has its own perks. I often receive interesting books before their release but there are seldom few which make me want to quit my day job and maybe read for a living, if that is event possible. Here I bring to you three review copies that I look forward to reading in August. A Horse Walks into the Bar It was not a surprise when this book was declared winner of... continue reading→

cover: Three Review Copies I’m Excited to Read

A State of Freedom

by Neel Mukherjee

Freedom is nothing but a comparative. It is addictive. It is exhilarating and once you have tasted it, it’s forever on your lips. There is freedom. And then there is ‘A state of freedom ‘. Something very circumstantial. Some sort of compromise. Neel Mukherjee depicts the difference between the two awfully well in his book of fiction. Cover page The cover page is dreamy. It is a state of freedom painted into a picture. The... continue reading→

cover: A State of Freedom

Reading Bhagat Singh

on Juggernaut

One among my past blog posts was about different platforms at which one can find free books to read. Since then I have taken a refuge in paperback. While paperback still remains my favourite type of reading material, I strayed a bit the other day to read a short story on my phone on my way to work. I happened to stumble across an essay by martyr Bhagat Singh on why he is an atheist.... continue reading→

cover: Reading Bhagat Singh

Memories of my Melancholy Whores

by Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez has always left his readers mesmerized with his writing, the account of details in his stories and the perception one has towards unworldly situations. IT has always made me a better judge at perceiving situations on a daily basis too. Marques has always left me pondering over the conclusion to every book of his I’ve read. Cover A bright yellow backdrop with the image of a young girl lying on a bed,... continue reading→

cover: Memories of my Melancholy Whores

Author Interview – Tejaswini Apte-Rahm

We finally got a chance to have a conversation (so to speak) with the author of These Circuses that Sweep Through the Landscape, and guess what, we like her! Author Bio Tejaswini Apte-Rahm is the author of the short story collection These Circuses That Sweep Through the Landscape published by Aleph Book Company in December 2016. She is a full-time writer from Mumbai. Her short stories have been published in Himal Southasian (Nepal), BLink (Hindu... continue reading→

cover: Author Interview – Tejaswini Apte-Rahm