DNF: Saraswati’s Intelligence

by Vamsee Juluri

I was actually looking forward to reading this book and hate myself for DNFing it. I wouldn’t say it is a bad one but just wasn’t for me. It is the story of Hanuman while he is an adolescent. He is a smart boy and everyone loves him. I had a few problems with the narration. Right from the beginning, there is a sense of danger in the book. There is something which is not... continue reading→

cover: DNF: Saraswati’s Intelligence

Maybe the Baby

by Nicole Lourdes Chavez

We have all seen a family who give up on their dog when there is a baby coming into the family. The pets often find it difficult to adjust with someone who comes in to share the love that was solely meant for them before their coming. The same emotion has been portrayed in the picture book here. Cover page The cover is a beautiful illustration of the dogs in the family. The water color... continue reading→

The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad

by Twinkle Khanna

Twinkle Khanna came into the spotlight last year when Mrs. Funnybones released her first book of non-fiction. Just a couple of incidents coated with funny remarks and hilarious derivations the book was good enough to make you smile. After reading the book I made a mental note of reading more from her. Not a great fan of the columns, it was a relief when her next book of fictional stories was announced. Fiction I always... continue reading→

The Age of Innocence

by Edith Wharton

It is a novel of intimacy. Intimacy felt in the ruffle of fabric and of passion looking at the lady you are in love with while she is looking away at the waves of the sea. The horse drawn carriages are mere evidence of the era and classism is the notorious ex who will not feel like your own but will not let you be with the woman you are pining for. ‘The Age of... continue reading→

Neon Soul

by Alexandra Elle

This compilation of poems by Alexandra Elle is a wonderful read for anyone at all, simply due to its very appealing writing style. Here is my experience of reading this poetry book that came out very recently. Cover The cover is a dark gray background with neon green lines on it. The title is also in the same green and makes for a pleasant book cover. It relates well to the title, but says little... continue reading→

The last tree

by Ingrid Chabbert, Illustrated by Guridi

There was once a child who had grown up listening to stories, haven’t they all. But this child is special in more than one ways. He has grown up listening to stories of his grandfather growing up amongst lots of trees and grass. He hears about rolling on the grass and flying kites. But he can’t do that by himself. It is a story of future. Cover page The cover page is an illustration of... continue reading→