A Sister’s Secret - Two Sisters. A Harrowing Secret. One Fight For Justice.

by Debbie Grafham

She was the elder one. She was meant to protect her younger siblings. So when she saw her sister being assaulted by the neighbor she wanted to do everything to keep the offender away from her sister. It was okay that he asked her to take his sister’s place instead. This is a horrifying story of two siblings, everything they went through and the justice that came to them late but still helped. Cover page... continue reading→

Origin One Store - Box Review

I could blame my love for stationery to the fact that I am an Architect. We work with varied mediums of art to convey our designs, so our love for papers, books, pencils, all things artsy is quite natural. So when I heard about a box dedicated to quirky minimalistic stationary, I had to try it! Origin One store is a unique stationary box subscription that caters to people who love stationary and who dig... continue reading→


by Ali Smith

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going directly... continue reading→

Bookhaul - September 2016

Yes, we are well into October, am late in posting this one! Better late than never right!? Considering the growing piles of unread books in my room, I really need to stop buying books (No, am just joking!). So , here is my very loved September haul! Firstly, I decided to try and buy books around the theme for The Biblio Box, as it helps me organize my book buying. This time around the theme... continue reading→

Fantastic Mr. Fox

by Roald Dahl, Illustrated by Quentin Blake

It has been some amazing couple of weeks now since I decided that I needed a break from long fiction. A book which tells a story within few pages is often a well written book. And I have come across some astonishing books that are short and content heavy. It was during that time when I decided to read only short fiction for sometime that I downloaded my first book by Roald Dahl, courtesy a... continue reading→

A Forgotten Affair

by Kanchana Banerjee

‘There’s only one thing worse than being treated as an object of sexual desire: not being seen as one by the guy you like.’ Kanchana Banerjee gives a channel for the volcanoes inside the soul to erupt in an elegant flow. The book here exposes the innermost desires and hurt, however ugly faced they are. Cover page On the cover are beautiful flowers intertwined with the text. The flower has a significance in the story... continue reading→