The Trouble with Women

by Jacky Fleming

‘The trouble with women’ is one of those books which lightens feminism as a concept and helps understand the significance and need of it even today. I requested the book after watching a couple of videos on YouTube, all of them heartily praising the book. This is one of the most fun books I have read on feminism yet (not too many, but still!). Cover page The cover page contains an illustration of a woman... continue reading→

Incursion (Catalyst Moon #1)

by Lauren L. Garcia

Freedom is worth everything. Everything. It is a world of fantasy where some rule over the significant others. Some live freely while others in cuffs, all for their inherent characters. Lauren Garcia tells a beautiful tale of the worth of freedom. Her beautiful story is made even more interesting with the presence of mages and sentinels. And of, course other beastly creatures. Cover page The cover page reflects the genre. Black dominates the cover with... continue reading→

O’s Little Book of Love and Friendship

While most of us make a tentative “To Read” list on an annual or a monthly basis, a lot of us cannot navigate through it with much success (if you do, do tell me how!). While my annual TBR is silently judging me for conveniently forgetting it, I continue to randomly pick books based on my mood right at that moment, and O’s little book of love and __friendship was read during one of those... continue reading→


The Handmaid’s Tale

by Margaret Atwood

‘Sometimes I think these scarves aren’t sent to the Angels at all, but unraveled and turned back into balls of yarn, to be knitted again in their turn. Maybe it’s just something to keep the wives busy, to give them a sense of purpose. But I envy the commander’s wife her knitting. It’s good to have small goals that can be easily attained.’ Such are the thoughts of Offred. Her days are comprised of demeaning... continue reading→

August additions to my bookshelf

As fellow Meraki post members say, I go a little crazy when it comes to buying books, but as I always correct them – it is crazy and broke! But buying books is so wonderful, I’d happily be broke. Thanks to The Biblio Box, I now try to buy books around the theme so that my book buying is a little more organised and not too random. At the start of the month, I stumbled... continue reading→


The day I became a bird

by Ingrid Chabbert, Illustrated by Guridi

I have not read many picture books as such but my recent stumbling upon an illustrated fairy tale has piqued my interest in picture books. These books are not only read for their story but also for the pictures/illustrations they contain inside. I decided to review the book just for its beautiful cover but what it contains inside is even more promising. It was his first day at school and he fell in love. ‘The... continue reading→