
by E.L. James

Considered as the fourth book in the FIFTY SHADES OF GREY trilogy, Grey is the same story but from the male protagonists’ perspective. It is written as seen by Christian Grey. It is the first book from his perspective, and I assume two more will follow to talk about the corresponding two books. I bought this book as soon as it was released, but read it only very recently due to TBR constraints. It was... continue reading→


The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender

by Leslye Walton

It has been a long time since I read ‘Midnight’s Children’ by Salman Rushdie. I was awestruck by the semi-real-semi-magical world he had created. The overlapping of characters with great depth and them being just ‘them’ just blew me away. Since then I have been looking for a book with similar layering and mystical story. ‘The strange and beautiful sorrows of Ava lavender’ finally completed my search. This book, classified as ‘magical realism’ is a... continue reading→

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender

The Confession of Katherine Howard

by Suzannah Dunn

Queen Katherine, the fifth Queen of Henry VIII, has always been a character overlooked often. She has often been described as a teenager girl who was made the Queen to satisfy her uncle’s ambitious plans for her family and she was equally naive about it. It gets difficult to comprehend the character as such, with a crown on head and a giggle on face, married to a persona like Henry VIII. Curious to find out more about... continue reading→

The Confession of Katherine Howard

June Book Box from The Biblio Box

I had never been a part of any book box earlier. This was the first time I subscribed for one. And it did not disappoint me at all! Here are the things I received in the box. A Hardback copy of ‘In other words’ by the amazing Jhumpa Lahiri. I had read some passages by the author but never a book. This is going to be my first book. Can’t wait to read this! A... continue reading→

Broken Pieces

by Dr Gowher Yusuf

When a dear person asked me to review this book, I was only delighted to be doing a review of a book written by someone in my close circles. The Author was kind enough to provide a copy of her book for the purpose of this review. This fifty odd page book is a documentation of a few of her poems written two decades back. Cover The cover is a mixed palette of pinkish purple,... continue reading→


Confessions of a Queen B* (The Queen B* #1)

by Crista McHugh

I have been reading a lot of young adult books these days. Mainly because of the popularity of this genre. It is also revisiting the past which makes the genre more interesting. We have all been through this stage and it surely was a fun time. First crush, butterfly in stomach, facing the queen bees etc. This is what brings me to this book called Confessions of a Queen B*. Initially I was really thinking... continue reading→

crista mchugh