Robert & Fahad Book Series

by Dr Mohd Sulaiman

With technology bringing together like minded people like never before, I came across this Author on a mobile application that’s a go-to to explore all things I love. Dr. Mohd Sulaiman hailing from the Middle East is a lover of mysteries and thrillers and has very recently released two novellas in the same category, and I’ve had the opportunity to receive a gift copy of both the novellas, so without much further ado let’s dive... continue reading→


A Christmas Carol

by Charles Dickens

It was during the Victorian times where everyone seemed to lose the essence of Christmas. Due to some massive economic changes where the money was concentrating on some hands, some didn’t possess any money to celebrate Christmas as they intended to spend. This was the time when Dickens decided to write the book on Christmas and the essence of this Christian festival. The book which consists of a bad villain, a few good-natured ghosts and... continue reading→

The Girl in the Mirror

by Cecelia Ahren

Talking sparrows, whispering woods and endless drama has been the essence of our stories and fables. The charming prince and a conversing mirror still hold a safe place in our hearts. This is the sole reason we crawl back once in a while to the world of fantasy where everything is possible. For those who love to once in a while forget the boundaries of possibilities and immerse themselves in stories from dreamland, Cecelia Ahren... continue reading→


by Aman Jassal

The famous saying “The pen is mightier than the sword” has been proved right time and again. Though used in a different and a more critical context otherwise , it rightly signifies how powerful words are and how significant they are in molding and shaping minds. Having read different genres by different writers, I for one strongly believe that each word that is read by an individual is consciously or subconsciously shaping his thoughts, and... continue reading→


Bidding adieu: Harper Lee

This Pulitzer Prize-winning author bid us her final goodbye, and we are a little heartbroken (no, make that ‘very’). Harper Lee shot to fame with her book ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ which was written in 1960. She very recently published her second book ‘Go Set a Watchman’ which reader world over welcomed with open arms. Shaking the world with just one book, Lee gave to us a book, a thought process and very lovable characters... continue reading→


The Old Man and the Sea

by Ernest Hemingway

A story which is absolutely simple and minimalistic and yet makes you reflect on the various notions and emotions of an individual. Accoladed with the Pulitzer and the Nobel Prize for his masterpiece, Ernest Hemingway considered this as his finest work. What started off as an essay for a magazine, culminated into a novel after almost a decade of his career. Cover Page The novel comes in various cover pages. The black background with a... continue reading→